Tuesday, April 04, 2006
muahaha. just came back from xinqin's dance. :) heh. wearing funkypants! how cool is that. i'm like. setting the latest dance fashion trend la! muahaha. here goes....normal people wear normal length pants to dance. like this:
and of course, being the joker and the bugger that i am for long stuff, i have tonnes of ultra long pants. and when xinqin smsed us to bring long pants for dance prac, i knew what to do..... perfect. in case you don't know. the white area is actually my shirt. and yes. the pants was WAY above my waist. lala. i was so proud of myself. was boasting to xinqin that i did what she requested for! i got LONG pants. like really long. :) heh. and in case you need a comparison....
yes. how beautiful. :) i like my long pants. cheers.
matt and yuklun approach... i let out either a huge yell or shriek when i see the approaching figures... oh no!!! it's coming again! i cower in a corner, whimpering and shivering.... unsure of what to do..... ahhh! help me!!!! and no. the pleading did not work... i say the wrong word. i said i didn't pine for them! oh no! i was surrounded.... and ahhh! no! i'm squashed by the both of them again. the big bullies. hmphs. haha. magic word: yes to all their questions. muahaha. then they'll avoid me cause they'll think that i have a crush on them or something. hohoho. :)
guiyi at 8:58 PM