Sunday, April 09, 2006
ok! these few days were quite depressing for all of us. but hey. i think it's just a phase so yes! we will conquer it! :) -nods head- no point brooding over it and not doing anything right? so take action everyone! form the sigma bonds! :) timo: whatever you believed in, still believe in it ok? :)anyway, yay! i've finally figured out how to upload pictures from my phone. damn nooooob la. but who cares. ;) heh. why am i so happy today?!?!? hmmmmmmmmmmmm. cause there's no school tomorrow! wooohoooo! no pw. :)

we went to people's association to collect our costumes for opening ceremony! check it out. can't remember who suddenly bounced onto the carpet without seeing that sign. hoho. :)

This is like how apt la. :) it's purple. and has a cow on it. :) anyway! my mom is chasing me away from the com. :( got so many more funky photos! :( next up! photo of timo looking silly. heh. stop trying to look like someone!
guiyi at 12:38 PM