Saturday, April 22, 2006
angsty cow
hahaha. ok. surprisingly, no, i'm not angsty today. :D i'm so happy this morning!!! :) heh. then afternoon prac was fun. cause a lot of people didn't come and therefore i was basically slacking. oops. yup. falling in love with xinqin's and beatrice's dance! actually the new dance is more fitting. :) and the music grows on you. really. :) yup. so! conclusion: their dance is nice :) heh. downloading the dance video for that music now... 97%.. it's a dance to german song! the title of the song is "last day". in german of course. timo! what's last day in german? :)100%! download complete. shall go watch now. ciao! :)
guiyi at 11:49 PM
Friday, April 21, 2006
f*ck you
actually i also don't want to. YUCK.i was so angry i slammed my handphone onto my table. WHAT'S THE USE OF APOLOGIZING IF YOU KEEP REPEATING IT?
i am one angsty girl.
guiyi at 10:50 PM
Monday, April 17, 2006
one hell of a day
it's one hell of a day today.....anyway! CHEER UP GUYS! esp jiayi. :)
grace had a graceful moment in french class today... hahaha. damn funny! :) i just can't get over it.... it was just so.... sudden and unexpected! ahahah. :)
bleagh. i'm so gonna fail chem spa la. don't understand gases at all.....
just remembered about maths lecture test. hmmmm. and yuklun says there's gp essay test at the end of the week! not to mention PI! crap. i'm so dead la. erps.
i feel quite cheated for 2.4 today. might not even get A lor. erps.
anyway! i've been drinking too much coke. i'm going to get mega diabetes and die! die! sigh. that's if i don't get killed by the teachers. first. :(
i think he's still upset abt it. :(
guiyi at 10:22 PM
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
dance preview was bad today. what the hell? got stage fright. back aches like crazy. and my ankle is giving way. :(
wanchee i'm not pervert k. you're the one who thrust yourself towards me. hmphs.
guiyi at 8:21 PM
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
sheeesh. have to try to do my CPE. which was due two weeks ago. then also have this whole tonne of french homework to do.... i dont even want to check the workload la. school is killing me. plus! PI is due next week. and i haven't even thought of an idea yet! what the hell. i'm so dead la. i think i'll screw up my whole PW.this is really damn shit.
erps. i don't really feel like talking these few days....
i don't know what you want.
guiyi at 10:04 PM
Sunday, April 09, 2006
ok! these few days were quite depressing for all of us. but hey. i think it's just a phase so yes! we will conquer it! :) -nods head- no point brooding over it and not doing anything right? so take action everyone! form the sigma bonds! :) timo: whatever you believed in, still believe in it ok? :)anyway, yay! i've finally figured out how to upload pictures from my phone. damn nooooob la. but who cares. ;) heh. why am i so happy today?!?!? hmmmmmmmmmmmm. cause there's no school tomorrow! wooohoooo! no pw. :)

we went to people's association to collect our costumes for opening ceremony! check it out. can't remember who suddenly bounced onto the carpet without seeing that sign. hoho. :)

This is like how apt la. :) it's purple. and has a cow on it. :) anyway! my mom is chasing me away from the com. :( got so many more funky photos! :( next up! photo of timo looking silly. heh. stop trying to look like someone!
guiyi at 12:38 PM
Friday, April 07, 2006
yo! i just met the orgininal cow! the one who gave me the inspiration for cowFRIEND! yes people! guiyi the cowFRIEND met the cow today! hahah. :) awww. saw her at clementi interchange. how cool is that? :) cheers. she recognized my back view i think. and then she called me. but she was already going to get on the bus so we couldn't talk much. she said: lets talk on msn! what's your email? and i replied with a grin: cowfriend89! haha. she was quite surprised. STILL? she said. haha. :) wonder how all my primary school classmates are now. awwww. miss those days.we're so old already! i used to dream about jc life, about how it'd be like to grow up. i couldn't wait. now, i'm at jc, and looking back, i dread not enjoying my childhood. not playing as much as i should have. i was always mugging.... now. i dread adulthood. i don't want to grow up!!!! ahhh!
primary school was so carefree.
guiyi at 6:39 PM
Thursday, April 06, 2006
oh my gosh. i thought i was the only one la. what the hell. all the torturous moments for nothing.'s school was great. because there was no school for me. makes sense? hahaha. :) was busy enjoying food and getting squashed at the back of the car (5 of us at the back) while our class went through the usual process of lt 4, 3, A45, 2. muahahah. :D
rehearsals damn slack. it's only one minute mah. :)
i just realized that i'm really quite a bad dancer. so stiff, cmi, and then. i always just fling my arms and legs around. like stick like that. wait. i'm not stick. like BRANCH like that. when i saw myself in the preview video. i was like. great. i'm such a terrible dancer. my actions don't flow at all la! sigh. crap. my standard stinks. and it doesn't help that i'll have to watch all those videos. just feel that it's so out of reach, so demoralizing. haiz. i'm trying so hard! i guess i just really lack that stupid gene. see la. nature vs nurture. and nature prevails.
guiyi at 10:16 PM
it's all my fault.guiyi at 6:34 PM
one hell of a lousy day.
today. is. just. lousy that i didn't go for french. cause i knew it'd just make it worse. all that useless whining. it just gets on my nerves.
double standards.
thanks for being there. i love you. you're the best. :)
so glad i get to skip school tomorrow. altho i'll still be in school. at least i don't have to sit through the lectures. cant stand it any longer. bleagh.
i hate the way jc has changed me.
guiyi at 1:06 AM
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
muahaha. just came back from xinqin's dance. :) heh. wearing funkypants! how cool is that. i'm like. setting the latest dance fashion trend la! muahaha. here goes....normal people wear normal length pants to dance. like this:
and of course, being the joker and the bugger that i am for long stuff, i have tonnes of ultra long pants. and when xinqin smsed us to bring long pants for dance prac, i knew what to do..... perfect. in case you don't know. the white area is actually my shirt. and yes. the pants was WAY above my waist. lala. i was so proud of myself. was boasting to xinqin that i did what she requested for! i got LONG pants. like really long. :) heh. and in case you need a comparison....
yes. how beautiful. :) i like my long pants. cheers.
matt and yuklun approach... i let out either a huge yell or shriek when i see the approaching figures... oh no!!! it's coming again! i cower in a corner, whimpering and shivering.... unsure of what to do..... ahhh! help me!!!! and no. the pleading did not work... i say the wrong word. i said i didn't pine for them! oh no! i was surrounded.... and ahhh! no! i'm squashed by the both of them again. the big bullies. hmphs. haha. magic word: yes to all their questions. muahaha. then they'll avoid me cause they'll think that i have a crush on them or something. hohoho. :)
guiyi at 8:58 PM
Monday, April 03, 2006
my dearest looloo
i love looloo so much! seriously! :) as in. i felt quite bad abt the 2 marks thing. and i was even worrying that he'll hate me for it! AH! then he was so nice. even asked kelly to tell me to see him so that he can explain. :) love him man. :D yay. and he was so nice abt it. told me to learn from my mistake and all. :D yay. haha. should go moo him more. :) he deserves it. ;) ok. maybe not. my mooing skills are too lousy for him... lalala. :Dme and grace did something graceful today on the bus. oh my gosh. can't believe it happened! ahhh! :(
bio test sucked big time. at least it was looloo. :)
it's nice sitting next to matt during maths. cause he tries very hard to explain maths to me! altho my questions are ultra easy (think: maths tutorial basic question 1) but oh well. :) he was patient. and yuk lun too actually. altho i think he can't stand me (he was sitting down you see). sorry that was lame. yeah. but he was nice enuff to help me with the money. hoho. the moment he asked everyone was like shuffling to pay me la! so cool. heh. next time got sth to collect just ask him to holler. :) and both of them are equally intimidating in terms of intelligence! help! i feel so stupid sitting there. :( seriously, i think you guys prefer to not sit next to me. so! alamak! next time go sit next to timo or sth! don't force yourself le. :S
yuck there's chem prac tomorrow. bleagh.
want to kill channel five la. they screwed up the music for so you think you can dance. :( so annoying! and it happened to screw up at nicholas and melody(is it melody?). the winners la. crap. so the whole dance looked really weird and sucky cause it just didn't fit the music at all. but it's ok. there's still the technique. but crap! without the music the choreography just looks super duper lousy. bleagh. screwed up.
aie! it's really hard getting the style of the different dances. i'm still guiyi in girls hip hop, erised, siren and laoshi's. i'm not supposed to be me! grrrrr. just get the style right and stop putting my own in! it's getting really annoying. :(
guiyi at 9:40 PM